Project: FTTP – Lambourn
Project: FTTP – Lambourn
Granemore Group was awarded a Fibre to the Premise build as part of the Virgin Media, Project Lightning rollout. The Project was based in the prestigious Race Horse Training village of Lambourn in West Berkshire.
A Civil Engineering challenge lay ahead due to 40 horse racing stables and some 600+ race horse’s trained throughout the village. We ensured active engagement was sought with the Local Authority, The Lambourn Racing Club and all stables to try and mitigate any risk to the horses, their riders and the public. As such, a careful and considerate plan was executed to ensure that any problematic areas were ironed out before we went to build.
The Lambourn build was a success and no Health and Safety risk were raised throughout and the community of Lambourn received Fibre to their Properties.
Resource Deployment
- 7 x Digging Teams
- 2 x Reinstatement Team
- 2 x Supervisors
- 1 x Contracts Manager
Plant Deployed
- 7 x Excavators kits
- 2 x Grab Lorries
- 2 x 25t Hot Boxes