Project: FTTP – Coventry
Project: FTTP – Coventry
Granemore Group were awarded a Fibre to the Premise build as part of the Virgin Media, Project Lightning rollout. The Project aim was to deliver ultra-fast broadband to the residents of Coventry
As we have been based in Coventry since 2006 and worked for Coventry City Council, we had a strong existing relationship in place with the local authority.
To date, we have delivered approx. 25,000 homes and dug approx. 250km within the area.
Health and Safety is paramount to every job Granemore Group is undertaken and ensure we manage expectations with all parties.
Resource Deployment
- 12 x Digging Teams
- 3 x Reinstatement Team
- 3 x Supervisors
- 1 x Contracts Manager
Plant Deployed
- 12 x Excavators kits
- 3 x Grab Lorries
- 3 x 25t Hot Boxes